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Collaboration Resources

Skype (http://www.skype.com/)
With headset technology, you can make free conference calls to one another using your computer.

Windows Live Sky Drive (http://skydrive.live.com/)
Provides 5GB of free online storage. Files can be shared with others.

Box.net (http://www.box.net/ )
Online file storage that can be shared for collaboration on projects.

Del.icio.us (http://del.icio.us)
Collaborate through socialbookmarking. Share internet bookmarks.

Diigo (http://www.diigo.com/)
Collaborate through social bookmarking. Highlight and add annotations to websites and share them with one another.

Weblog-Ed (http://www.weblogg-ed.com)
Create a blog to discuss obstacles that you each encounter, collaborate asynchronously on ideas for your project, and discuss how the project is progressing. Blogging the process of writing the grant proposal may be helpful for your presentation.

Wikispaces (http://wikispaces.com)
Create a wiki where your team can add and edit information on each part of your project.





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