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Grant Writing Resources

Non- Profit Guide (http://www.npguides.org/)
Provides detailed information on what to include in each component of the  grant proposal.

The Foundation Centers (http://foundationcenter.org/getstarted/tutorials/shortcourse/info.html)
Provides a tutorial on how to write a grant proposal and gives details about what to include in each component of the grant proposal.

The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (
Considered the bible of federal grant assistance, and also federal government projects, services, and activities. Maintained by the U.S. General Services Administration Provides information on developing and writing a grant.

The Corporation of Public Broadcasting (http://www.cpb.org/grants/grantwriting.html)
Provides a guide to the basic elements of grant writing and is offered to assist applicants to CPB and to other funding sources. It offers guideposts to help you through each stage of the process. These guideposts are transferable to a variety of grant applications.

Columbia University Medical Center (http://www.cumc.columbia.edu/research/website/3/6/2/index.html)
Provides tips for scientific/technical writing, grant application forms, and slide presentations on preparation of applications. This site has great resources on budgets and includes a calculated budget excel spread sheet.

Montana State University
(http://www.montana.edu/wwwvr/osp/propwrit.html; http://www.montana.edu/wwwvr/osp/checklist.html)
Provides a list of links to websites and pdf to assist in proposal writing; second link is to a grant seeker’s checklist that outlines important keys that can make or break your grant.

Minnesota Council on Foundations
Provides information on how to write a successful grant. Outlines each of the components of the grant and has some downloadable budget forms. Provides detailed budget information for grant writing and provides a good description on supplemental information that could be included in grant proposals.  

Proposal Writing Today (http://www.psassociates.com/)
Offers a number of articles on how to write more compelling proposals. The company also has a free email newsletter with new articles.Sign up for a free proposal writing e-book and free e-writing tips series.

Proposal Writer.com (http://www.proposalwriter.com/)
Has a variety of sources including proposal checklists, an article on proposal pointers and pitfalls (points out reasons that some grants get accepted and some do not- (This is a must read) , and sample grants. This site even has a proposal writing blog.

A Condensed Version of Proposal Planning and Writing. Jeremy T. Miner, Lynn E. Miner. (http://www.minerandassociates.com/PPW3 Brief.htm)
Provides a book with chapters on proposal planning, writing, submitting, and reviewing. Outlines how to write a cover letter.

Appalachian Regional Commission.( http://www.arc.gov/index.do?nodeId=102)
Describes how to preparing a grant proposal in 5 steps. Provides links to sample proposals and links to discipline specific best practices in proposal writing.

GuideStar. (http://www.guidestar.org/news/features/grantadvice.jsp)
Provides information on what grant makers are looking for in proposals.

Additional Documents

Yuen, F. K. O., & Terao, K. L. (2003). Practical grant writing & program evaluation. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Chapter 3: Grant Proposal

Coley, S. & Scheinberg, C,A, (2008). Proposal writing: Effective grantsmanship. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing. Excerpts from Chapter 6: Writing Goals, Objectives, and the Implementation Plan.

Coley, S. & Scheinberg, C,A, (2008). Proposal writing: Effective grantsmanship. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing. Excerpts from Chapter 8:  Creating a budget

Suicide PreventionResource Center. Techniques for Effective Grant Writing.

Rinehart,E.& Bouie-Scott, B. Proposal Writing: The Basic Steps in Planning and Writing A Successful Grant Application. (http://www.ildceo.net/NR/rdonlyres/EC10F834-50A0-4CB0-8121-B6185951F91D/0/ProposalWriting2003.pdf)



Sample Grant Proposals

Foundation Center. http://fdncenter.org/learn/faqs/html/propsample.html
Appalachian Regional Commission. http://www.arc.gov/index.do?nodeId=1730
SchoolGrants. http://www.k12grants.org/samples/
Non-Profit Guides. http://www.npguides.org/guide/sample_proposals.htm
Funding: Templates. SERA Learning. http://www.sera.com/index.php?section=funding&option=funding&page=funding_templates
Plugged In. http://www.pluggedin.org/tool_kit/sample_grant.html
The Idea Bank. http://theideabank.com/onlinecourse/samplegrant.html
Gill Foundation. http://www.gillfoundation.org/tata_materials/tata_materials_show.htm?doc_id=90214

Literature Review Resources

Old Dominion University Library Databases http://www.lib.odu.edu/

Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com/

How to Find An Article in ODU Library

Grant Proposal Glossaries

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund http://www.charitablegift.org/basics_glossary.shtml
Foundation Center http://foundationcenter.org/getstarted/tutorials/gfr/glossary.html
Marywood University http://www.marywood.edu/orcc/glossary.htm
Oakton Community College http://www.oakton.edu/resource/grants/glossary.pdf



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